Call for Abstract

3rd International Conference on Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, will be organized around the theme “Assessment, Treatment, and Research towards Mental Wellness”

Clinical Psychology 2020 is comprised of 24 tracks and 177 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Clinical Psychology 2020.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness, abnormal behaviour, and psychiatric problems. Clinical psychology is a broad branch of psychology that focuses on diagnosing and treating mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders. Some of the more common disorders that might be treated include learning disabilities, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.

  • Track 1-1Clinical Forensic Psychology
  • Track 1-2Clinical Health Psychology

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy also known as CBT is a form of psychotherapy. It involves in treatment of psychological and psychiatric disorders and boosts happiness by modifying dysfunctional emotions, behaviours and thoughts.  The main advantage of this cognitive behaviour therapy it focuses on solutions, it encourages patients to challenge distorted cognitions and changing in destructive patterns of behaviour. It is based on the concept of interconnected actions of anyone’s thoughts, actions, feelings physical sensation and feelings. This technique helps in dealing with overwhelming problems in a more forward and positive way.

  • Track 2-1 Third wave of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy
  • Track 2-2Advancement in Behavioural Therapy Treatment
  • Track 2-3Cognitive Modelling
  • Track 2-4Cognitive Disorder
  • Track 2-5Cognitive Psychology
  • Track 2-6Depth Therapy
  • Track 2-7Cognitive Style
  • Track 2-8Psychodynamic Approach
  • Track 2-9Behaviour Modification
  • Track 2-10Psychotherapy

Mental health is included our psychological, emotional, social wellbeing…..everywhere and it directly affects in how we feel, think and act. It also determines in making choice, how we handle stress and relate with others. From childhood to adolescent through adulthood its effect is important in every stage of life. If anyone experience mental health problems, their entire coordination goes interrupted includes their thinking capability, mood, behaviour, relationships and even physical health. A strong mental health is very important to balance between their activities and efforts also in achieving psychological resilience to enjoy their life.

  • Track 3-1Mental Diseases and psychotherapy
  • Track 3-2Behavioural Therapy for Mental Health
  • Track 3-3Gender Difference in Mental Health

It is another branch of psychology which involved in studying others observable behaviour and influencing a person’s thoughts and actions. This special branch represents the connections between minds and behaviour. Behavioural psychology is sometimes also referred to as behaviourism. The scientist and researchers whoever is involved in studying behavioural psychology are trying to understand why someone behave in concerned with others action and behaviour and with the hope to help in predicting how someone will behave and can help in building better habits as individual and develop better living spaces as communities


  • Track 4-1Parapsychology
  • Track 4-2Applied Behaviour Analysis
  • Track 4-3Behavioural modification Therapy Methods
  • Track 4-4Behavioural modification Therapy Methods
  • Track 4-5Behavioural Neuroscience
  • Track 4-6Relationship and Motivation

It is a speciality in professional clinical psychology involves in applying the principles, assessment and interventions based on scientific study of human behaviour and its normal or abnormal functioning of the central nervous system. Clinical neuropsychologists address developmental disorders of the nervous system and apply their specialized knowledge in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the individual with this kind of neurodelopmental disordersPediatric neuropsychologists provide specialized clinical services to children and adoloscents.

  • Track 5-1Neurodegeneration
  • Track 5-2Neuropathology
  • Track 5-3Neuro Psychotherapy
  • Track 5-4Typical and Atypical Antipsychotics
  • Track 5-5Computational Neuro Psychology
  • Track 5-6Neuropsychological Assessment
  • Track 5-7Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Track 5-8Neurodevelopmental Disorder

Psychological disorder or mental disorder is a type of behavioural and psychological symptoms creating distress for an individual. The very first problem to the psychologists is to determine is there any  psychological disorder or unhealthy about the person and to decide what is normal and what is abnormal? If anyone considered something which lies outside statistical norms as abnormal then problem arise for those who are considered as exceptionally talented or talented in a particular area. So instead of focusing on actions that are considered outside of the normal statistics, psychologists tend to concentrate on the basis of results outcome from those behaviours.  Today many psychologists agree that these kinds of disorders are characterized by personal distress and impairment in multiple areas of life.


  • Track 6-1Eating Disorder
  • Track 6-2Schizophrenia
  • Track 6-3Depression
  • Track 6-4Bipolar Disorder
  • Track 6-5Anxiety and Panic Disorder
  • Track 6-6Multiple Personality Disorder
  • Track 6-7Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Track 6-8Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Track 6-9Mood Disorder
  • Track 6-10Stress

Although the exact reason for mental illness is not known, it is becoming clear day by day through researches that there are numerous factors which in combination cause psychological disorder. These factors are like biological, psychological and environmental factors. Some mental illness is linked to abnormal behaviour of nerve cells within brain circuits which communicate through chemicals named Neurotransmitter. By tweaking those chemicals through medicines, psychotherapy or other medical procedures, can help brain circuits run more efficiently.

  • Track 7-1Genetic Factor
  • Track 7-2Behavioural and Cultural Factors
  • Track 7-3Biological Casual Factors
  • Track 7-4Systemic Factors
  • Track 7-5Biophysiological Factor

Humanistic psychology  is a movement in psychology is supporting in belief that humans are unique as individual. Humanistic principle attained in application during the ’’human potential’’ movement, which was very popular during 1960’s.The humanist is concerned with total growth of individual in areas of love, fulfilment and self-worth.


  • Track 8-1Human Nature
  • Track 8-2Humanistic Psychotherapy
  • Track 8-3Family Therapy
  • Track 8-4Psychology and Human Behaviour
  • Track 8-5Parenting Factors

Child and adolescent psychology is field of study of psychology where researchers try to understand and describe changes that take place as children grow. It is proficient psychological science that deals in applying logical learning in conveyance of mental administration to new-born children, youngsters and teenagers.

  • Track 9-1Pediatric Neuropsychology
  • Track 9-2School Psychology
  • Track 9-3Neonatal Neurology
  • Track 9-4Adolescent Egocentrism
  • Track 9-5Ontological Hermeneutics
  • Track 9-6Child Sexual Abuse
  • Track 9-7Child Psychopathology
  • Track 9-8Learning Disorders
  • Track 9-9Behavioural Therapy in Children
  • Track 9-10Childhood Psychiatric Disorder
  • Track 9-11Clinical Child Psychology
  • Track 9-12Anger Management of Child
  • Track 9-13Child Psychoanalysis

Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology which covers wide range of disarrangements, from wretchedness to fanatical enthusiastic issue to identify the issue. There are various alternate points of view utilized as a part of abnormal psychology. While few psychologists may centre around the solitary perspective. Psychological experts utilize components from various regions with specific goal to better understandings and treatment in mental disorders.


  • Track 10-1Transpersonal Psychology
  • Track 10-2Interpersonal Phenomena
  • Track 10-3Models of Abnormality
  • Track 10-4NCD Treatment
  • Track 10-5Gestalt Psychology
  • Track 10-6Front Temporal NCD
  • Track 10-7Phobias

It is the scientific study of about how and why an individual change during their lives. It is originally associated with infants and children and expanded including adolescent, development of adult and ageing. Professional developmental psychologists try to explain how thinking, feeling and behavioural changes occur during the whole life span. This particular field examines three major dimensions: Physical development, cognitive development  and  socioemotional development. Within these three major dimensions broad ranges of topics are included like  motor skills, executive functions, moral understanding, language acquisition emotion development, identity formation.

  • Track 11-1Development Disorder
  • Track 11-2Person Perception
  • Track 11-3Empowerment and quality of life
  • Track 11-4Empathy, Self-Help and The Ideal Self
  • Track 11-5Ethical Standards
  • Track 11-6Educational Psychology
  • Track 11-7Personal Development
  • Track 11-8Personnel Psychology
  • Track 11-9Parenting and caring
  • Track 11-10Mechanisms of Development
  • Track 11-11Violence and Aggression
  • Track 11-12Environmental and cultural psychology
  • Track 11-13Cognitive Development
  • Track 11-14Physical and Memory Development
  • Track 11-15Evolutionary Developmental Psychopathology

It is associated with the behaviour of an individual at work. It utilizes the connection between social psychology to mischance inclination, Security, evaluation, individual relations and clashes, determination and preparation of workers, weakness, and psychological wellness. It is also included like administration and control framework, communicating among people, machines and the earth.


  • Track 12-1Occupational Therapy
  • Track 12-2Organizational Citizenship Behaviour
  • Track 12-3Occupational Health Psychology
  • Track 12-4Relation to Organizational Psychology
  • Track 12-5Occupational Stress and Safety

It is the investigation of bliss. Psychology is generally centred  with brokenness, individual with psychological instability or having different issue and its treatment. Positive psychology is about considering logically the positive parts of life. It is a field that looks at how standard individual can end up with more joyful and more satisfied.

  • Track 13-1Positive Mental Attitude
  • Track 13-2Applications and Research Findings on Positive Psychology
  • Track 13-3Yoga and Medication
  • Track 13-4Culture and Positive Psychology
  • Track 13-5Positive Psychology Intervention
  • Track 13-6Applied Positive Psychology
  • Track 13-7Theory and Methods of Positive Psychology
  • Track 13-8Happiness and Well Being
  • Track 13-9Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Track 13-10Resilience in Positive Psychology
  • Track 13-11Positive Psychology Movements

This is associated with understanding individual conduct in social aspects. It is the study of thoughts, feelings and behaviours factors which associated in influencing any individual to behave in a given way with the presence of others. The major topics examined in social psychology includes: self-concept, social cognition, attribution therapy, group processes, social influence, interpersonal processes, aggression, prejudice and discrimination, attitudes and stereotypes.

  • Track 14-1Ethnic Identity Development
  • Track 14-2Group Behaviour
  • Track 14-3Socio-Cultural Factors
  • Track 14-4Social Neuroscience
  • Track 14-5Industrial Sociology
  • Track 14-6Social Development
  • Track 14-7Organizational Sociology
  • Track 14-8School and Health Psychology
  • Track 14-9Self and Social Identity
  • Track 14-10Cultural Traditions

Psychiatric nursing also referred to as mental health nursing is specializing in mental health related disorder of about people of all ages. These includes: schizophreniaschizoaffective disorderanxiety disordereating disorderpersonality disorderpsychosissuicidal thoughts etc... Nurses in this area should go through specific training in psychological therapiesMental health nurses can work for variety of services like Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Psychiatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs), Acute Medical Units (AMUs), and Community Mental Health Services (CMHS)

  • Track 15-1Nursing and Mental Health
  • Track 15-2Psychiatric Nurse Education
  • Track 15-3Psychiatric Health Nursing Practice

Emotional regulation refers to all the things associate to influence when they have emotions of how intense these emotions are, how long they will last and also the way of expressing. The very important aspects of emotional regulation are the ability calm oneself after experiencing deep emotions. Individuals whoever finds difficulty in regulating their emotions, are very sensitive to emotional triggers in the environment and find trouble to get back to their baseline emotional state.

  • Track 16-1Social and emotional Development
  • Track 16-2Social and emotional Development
  • Track 16-3Identification of Specific Emotion
  • Track 16-4Hypnosis and Consciousness
  • Track 16-5P.L.E.A.S.E. Method for Reducing Emotion
  • Track 16-6Emotion and Odours
  • Track 16-7ETR for Anxiety Disorder

Creative thinking is one among the many though processes that human possess during cognitive state. It is also known as divergent thinking and is the ability to find imaginative and unorthodox solutions that one run into everyday life. In today’s society, success mostly found for those who differentiate themselves in creative way from others. Creative thinking enables the cognitive ability to work smart.

  • Track 17-1Creative Brainstorming
  • Track 17-2Creative thinking basics
  • Track 17-3Mind-mapping
  • Track 17-4Clustering
  • Track 17-5Lateral thinking
  • Track 17-6Strategic thinking
  • Track 17-7Individual innovative thinking
  • Track 17-8Multiple Intelligence

e-Therapye-Counselling, in other words e-guiding, online counselling, tele-therapy or digital advising, is an important aspects in professional psychology where a specialist provides mental exhortation and support in improvement in emotional wellbeing over the web. This can be done through email, online visit, video conferencing, web telephone.

  • Track 18-1e-Therapy Home
  • Track 18-2Computer Mediated Psychotherapy

It is a discipline that lying on the border between artificial intelligence and psychology. It is concerned with building computer models of human cognitive processes and is based on an analogy among human mind, brain and computer program. A prime example is simulation modelling, a development of computer program involved in stimulation human behaviour. Other models are: Emergentist modelsProduction modelsBayesian modelsNeuromorphic models.

  • Track 19-1Transactional Analysis
  • Track 19-2Computed Tomography and Positron Emission Tomography
  • Track 19-3Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy
  • Track 19-4Deep Brain Stimulation
  • Track 19-5Computational Neuroscience
  • Track 19-6Computation Neuro Cognition
  • Track 19-7Neuroimaging
  • Track 19-8Functional MRI Studies
  • Track 19-9Electroencephalography and Magneto Encephalography

Numerous people suffer from compulsive behaviour disorder. There’s compulsive shopping, eating, gambling, sex and even exercise. There is a garden with variety of obsessive compulsiveness. When any individual suffers from compulsive disorder, these behaviours are very difficult to overcome as that person is trapped in a pattern of senseless and repetitive thinking. On the other way when any activity, substance, object or behaviour which has become the major focus in a person’s life in exclusion of other activities or has begun to harm either physically, mentally or socially are considered as addictive behaviour. Some researchers imply that there are similarities between physical addictions to various chemicals, like: alcohol, heroin and psychological dependence to activities such as compulsive gambling, sex, work running, shopping, or eating disorders.

  • Track 20-1Addiction to Psychoactive Drugs
  • Track 20-2Chemical Signalling Substances
  • Track 20-3Psychopharmacological Substances
  • Track 20-4Drug Abuse and Dependence
  • Track 20-5Types of Addiction
  • Track 20-6Addiction Treatment
  • Track 20-7Sided effects of Antipsychotic Drugs

Yoga, meditation and mindfulness allow a space to align your body correctly, lengthening and toning muscles that support long term health. Combined with breath, the body can release stress and finally relax. Mindfulness meditation encourages the practitioner to observe wandering thoughts as they drift through the mind. The intention is not to get involved with the thoughts or to judge them, but simply to be aware of each mental note as it arises.


  • Track 21-1Yoga Relaxation and Meditation Techniques
  • Track 21-2Mindfulness Training
  • Track 21-3Stress meditation

Biomedical therapy is by the use of medical intervention, most often prescription medication. Psychotherapy has been found very effective and uses by mental health professionals who is trained in the therapeutic approaches in psychologyClinical psychologists and counselling psychologists have done extensive post-graduate study in the therapeutic approaches to treating mental disorders. These mental health counsellors may have certain areas of expertise, but all are aware of the following therapeutic approaches discussed in this lesson and which situations they work best in.

  • Track 22-1Psychometrics
  • Track 22-2Therapeutic Methods
  • Track 22-3Psychotherapy
  • Track 22-4Psychometrics Mechanism and limitations
  • Track 22-5Psychopharmacology
  • Track 22-6Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Track 22-7Psychoanalytic Methods
  • Track 22-8Existential Psychology
  • Track 22-9Electroconvulsive Therapy
  • Track 22-10Individual Psychological assessment
  • Track 22-11Relation Frame Theory
  • Track 22-12Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
  • Track 22-13Vision and Face Recognition
  • Track 22-14Meaning Oriented Interventions
  • Track 22-15Experimental Psychotherapy Process

Rehabilitation psychology is the study and application of psychological principles that have disability due to mental illnessRehabilitation psychologists, often within teams, assess and treat cognitive, emotional and functional difficulties. Individuals who are experiencing mental health or emotional issues, substance abuse disorder may struggle to get the support to recover and live well. Rehabilitation psychologists support individuals as they cope with mental and physical challenges and often teach their parents how to adapt and make lifestyle choices to promote good health

  • Track 23-1Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Around 91% of analysts apply the centre for clinical practice and finding clinical investigation, evaluation and finding psychological disorders. Strategies engaged with psychiatry involve both old customary and propelled techniques for appraisal. Under present theme from straightforward physical examination to cutting edge neuro imaging strategies can be featured.

  • Track 24-1Psychological Assessment
  • Track 24-2Transactional Analysis
  • Track 24-3Functional Analysis
  • Track 24-4Clinical Interpretation
  • Track 24-5Theories of Psychological Development
  • Track 24-6Gratitude Interventions
  • Track 24-7Research and Trends on Psychopharmacology
  • Track 24-8Clinical Analysis and Diagnosis
  • Track 24-9Empathy Related Interventions
  • Track 24-10Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  • Track 24-11Psychological Resilience
  • Track 24-12Creativity Interventions