Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend International Conference & Expo on Clinical Psychology
Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Day 1 :

Keynote Forum

Willem Fonteijn

GGZgroup, Netherlands

Keynote: Healing power of awareness

Time : 10:00-10:45

Conference Series Clinical Psychology 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Willem Fonteijn photo

Willem Fonteijn is Clinical Psychologist. He published more than 20 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as a Trainer for CBT. He is an enthusiastic mindfulness practitioner and works and lives in Amsterdam.




In psychotherapy, awareness is the major ingredient for sustainable and beneficial change. Clients are trained to become aware of their feelings and (hidden) thoughts. By doing so, clients learn how to make better decisions and how to cope with dysfunctional beliefs and emotions. For all this, awareness is the key ingredient. The conditioned mind is not able to observe anything other than its own routine and habits. If a problem is raised, the mind wants to solve it in a routine way. We need awareness to step out of the routine of the mind. By observing what is happening from moment to moment in a neutral way, we open up to new aspects of our environment and us.


  • Clinical Psychology | Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | Mental Health | Positive Psychology | Psychological Disorders | Advance Nursing
Location: Amsterdam


Eleonora Papaleontiou

European University, Cyprus



Cyriac Mathew

University of Newcastle, Australia

Session Introduction

Cyriac Mathew

University of Newcastle, Australia

Title: Role of empathy in health delivery

Cyriac Mathew is a Senior Consultant Psychiatrist with more than 30 years of clinical experience. He was awarded MD in Psychiatry by Dr. MGR Medical University, India, in 1997, and received the Fellowship of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, in 2007. Currently, he is the Clinical Director of Newcastle Mental Health Service and Conjoint Senior Lecturer, University of Newcastle. He is actively involved in the training and supervision of Undergraduate Medical Students, Post-graduate Trainees in Psychiatry in addition to the teaching of Allied Health Staffs.



Empathy is the sensitive capacity to understand other’s thoughts, feelings and struggles through that person’s perspective. Clinician’s ability to demonstrate empathy during their encounter with the clients is the cornerstone of building rapport. Strong relationship between clinician and clients is probably the most important factor in bringing behavioral change and better adherence to treatment. Empathy facilitates patient recovery and clinician satisfaction. Everybody working in health industry should be taught and trained to practice empathy. However, empathy is not part of the medical or allied health curriculum in most countries. The presenter will explain the concept of empathy in detail with the help of several short videos. At the end of the presentation, the listener will be able to understand the importance of empathy and learn basic skills to practice empathy in the routine clinical work


Salema Veliu has returned to the University of Cambridge as a mature student after 15 years of teaching Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Philosophy and Meditation around the world. She has graduated twice with an Undergraduate Diploma in Coaching (Psychology) and Undergraduate Certificate in Experimental Cognitive Psychology, and also completing additional studies in Molecular and Behavioral Mechanisms of Stress and the Science of Mindfulness. In addition, she has also undertaken studies with the University of Birmingham (a Foundation in Neurobiology), University College London (in Dementia), and a 6-month study period at the University of London/Birkbeck (in Biopsychology), Evolutionary and Social Psychology, Research methods, AI + Robotics. She is a Member of the Coaching Alumni at Cambridge. She has coached on the Queens Leaders Program and regular Guest Lectures on the Undergraduate Program for coaching at the Institute of Continuing Education, Cambridge. She is a Student Affiliate Member of the American Psychological Association and a Member of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. Her work has been featured in various blogs and publications including “Psychologies” magazine and women’s health and fitness and has been featured on BBC Radio as well “Guest Hosting” a monthly health and fitness show on a local London Radio Station.


The author has a rich and diverse background of successfully teaching innovative well-being classes, retreats and training as well as coaching and mentoring others around transition and change socially and economically, using innovative thinking and research from the fields of neuroscience and human psychology to develop strategies and alternative approaches to move with the time in human connection and performance. She has been committed to creating content + experiences that educate, inspire and invite people to question how they understand and navigate the world. Devoting the last decade to intensive studies human sciences to cultivate a deep understanding of how the brain produces movement and how movement affects everything we do. She brings a deep expertise in engaging with people of all ages and stages of life not only in person but also via social media and other virtue channels. Continuing to present her vision to create an evolving educational consultancy along with programs that looks at self-development and adaptability to promote psychological flexibility and physical well-being from different perspectives, where holistic approaches meet scientific. Her innovative approach has been born out of her in the form of three passions: science, movement and behavior using innovative research alongside futuristic trends as different markers to address and build mental + physical awareness, resilience, by looking at early markers in behavior that can be used to raise awareness to potential mental health issues. This is done by providing and using foundational brain concepts along with noticing practices + meditations that can provide benefits neurologically and biologically for the brain, mind and body backed by empirical research. Explore the science of compassion, well-being, and human connection as a way to promote mindful and sustainable leadership, performance and adaptability personally and professionally to achieve beneficial work-life balance. Moving with the time, she also brings a committed interest in studying human psychology and behavioral change strengthened by her intellectual curiosity. Grounded in academic and real-world learning to provide the foundation for the next generation of ideas, development, and implementation


Jayasree Lakshmi is an Assistant Professor and Clinical Psychologist in the PG Department of Psychology in Jain University, Bengaluru, India. She has completed her PhD and MPhil Degrees in Clinical Psychology from the Department of Clinical Psychology at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) in Bengaluru. She has industrial experience (Cadabams Hospitals, Bengaluru) as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist. Her areas of interest include ethics in psychotherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, metacognitive therapy and mindfulness based approaches to treating clinical conditions. She has national and international publications to her credit. She has been a resource person for various workshops on cognitive behaviour therapy and its applications.



Introduction: Attrition is a common phenomenon encountered in outpatient services and clinical trials. Identification of factors associated with attrition may help participants reach optimal improvement and prevent the worsening of symptoms.

Aim: The aim of the study was to identify factors associated with attrition in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) on metacognitive therapy (MCT) versus applied relaxation (AR) for social anxiety disorder (SAD).

Method: The sample comprised of individuals with SAD classified as completers (n=37) and non-completers (n=13). They were compared on sociodemographic and clinical variables, psychiatric comorbidity and pre-treatment scores on measures such as Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale-Clinician Assessment (LSAS-CA) and Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation (BFNE).

Results: Results revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between completers and non-completers on sociodemographic and clinical variables except the status of medication (presence or absence). Majority of non-completers (54%) were not on medication. Seventy-eight percent (78%) of completers were on medication whereas as only 46% of non-completers were on medication. They were comparable on axis I and axis II psychiatric comorbidity at baseline and on all pre-treatment scores on outcome measures except on LSAS-CA and BFNE. In comparison with non-completers, completers had higher level of social anxiety and fear of negative evaluation.

Discussion: Higher severity of social anxiety symptoms among completers might have motivated them to attend sessions regularly. In the setting where study was conducted, pharmacological management for SAD versus cognitive behavioural interventions is determined based on clinical judgment regarding severity of illness and functional impairment. The reason for discontinuation by those who were not on medication may be due to the relatively less impact of social anxiety symptoms on functioning.

Conclusion: The severity of social anxiety and its impact on functioning may play important role in attrition in RCTs.

Mohamed Abdalhameed Alnor

University of Khartoum, Sudan Sudan International University, Sudan

Title: Disability among patients with bipolar disorder

Dr. Mohamed Alnor is a psychiatrist, and molecular medicine physician, trained and working in Sudan. He is the head department of psychiatry at Sudan International University, and assisted professor (fellow) at the University of Khartoum. Mr. Alnor is concerned by disability due to psychiatric disorders, mainly Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, and Alzheimer’s disease, and he is interested in their molecular bases, as a model for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. He is a member of the Sudanese neuro-genetic Society, and he recently joints the international society of psychiatry genetic.




Background: Bipolar disorder is one of the most common psychiatric diagnoses worldwide, starting at the productive age and lasting long journey with chronic devastating disability. A literature gap was noticed regarding information about Sudanese patients’ outcome.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to estimate the overall level of disability caused by the disorder among Sudanese patients and to identify the burden on the specific domains of the psychosocial life and study some associated factors that may have a certain relation to the outcome.

Methodology: A cross-sectional assessment of 201 attendees at Taha Baasher's and Eltigani Elmahi Psychiatric Hospitals was carried out in November, 2015. Based on the International Classification of Diseases-10 and the Diagnostic Statistical Manual–IV, patients who were diagnosed with bipolar disorder signed a written consent for participation. Psychiatry treating teams identified the patients' diagnoses, their clinical status (on episode, partial or full remission) and the full duration of the disorder. The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0.) 36-item interviewer-administered questionnaire which has a part for background information assessment besides the six domains studying was applied by well-trained psychologists.

Results: The obtained demographic information revealed that females were predominant in the study (55.7%) with mean age and standard deviation (SD) 36.8 (12.1), while the mean age and SD for the males was 34.9 (14.1). Most of the patients were single (46.4%), one-third of them either never went to school or they spent upto four years in study. The majority were homemakers (housewives) (31.5%). WHODAS 2.0. mean score and the standard deviation was 24.4 (18.0) for patients without work and 25.6 (17.7) for those with work. The mean and standard deviation for the six domains were as follow: cognition 26.0 (24.8), mobility 22.7 (23.7), self-care 15.6 (21.0), getting along 21.0 (24.6), household activities 25.8 (29.2), work or school activities 21.7 (23.7) and participation 29.3 (21.6).There were significant statistical associations between patient’s sex, work, marital status, chronicity and the specific functioning domains.

Conclusions: Sudanese with bipolar disorder were found to have a significant level of disability. Participation and cognition were the most affected domains. Several associated factors need to be longitudinally studied.


Khaleel Isa is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and a Child and Adolescent Trauma Specialist. He has served communities with vulnerable children, adolescents, and adults in urban conflict and/or refugee/IDP war torn settings since completing his Post-doctoral Fellowship in 2003. His technical insight and clinical principals come from over a decade of experience in the art of psychotherapy, designing programs and training staff for effective relief outcomes in USA, Africa and Middle East. He worked recently as a MHPSS Consultant Expert Strategist in Somalia-wide IOM GBV and health programs in the spring of 2018. He has years of experience as a Mental Health Coordinator in both Turkey and Palestine for International NGOs, have led him to develop expertise on the mental health and the impact of war, displacement and risks for exploitation on children and adolescents. 



The priority in any international crisis when working as a humanitarian psychologist is to promote an atmosphere of safety and trust in the most insecure of environments. This requires both a solid clinical background and therapeutic framework to handle the unforeseen as they arise. Exposure to mental health risk are a reality for young girls and boys who have been dealt a harsh blow to their daily lives due to war and or impact of being displaced and separated from their families. Although not all children who face such difficult contexts require mental health care, resiliency can also have a short leash to the realities that they may face if not given appropriate emotional or community support. The overall high risks which come with family separation in war context, often can lead to children being vulnerable to adult predators to manipulate the child or adolescent to engage in unsafe and emotionally unhealthy behaviors. Although resiliency does occur with each individual child differently, this type of exposure can always have predicting effects to the seed of the child’s future emotional wellness. Humanitarian institutions working in such difficult emergency context often are not prepared or trained to support the emotional wellness for a vulnerable child and youth whom experience such abuse. The lack of the training on empathic intervention response is a missing variable for humanitarian institutions working with children and adolescents in dire need. Therefore, the importance for the hiring a trained psychologist within these organizations is crucial if managers and the field workers want to seriously reflect and actively address the psychosocial and mental health challenges in the field.




Gabriela Topa is a Faculty of Psychology at National University of Distance Education, Spain. Her teaching activities include research in Psychology, in training of teachers of Baccalaureate and ESO in Prevention of Occupational Hazards.



A consistent pattern of gender differences in retirement planning behaviors has been shown and recent studies do not indicate a more favorable situation for women. The present research is aimed to analyze the antecedents of the behaviors to prepare for retirement in nurses older than 55 years and to identify differences as a function of gender in such behaviors, a two-wave panel study was used. Participants were 132 Spanish nurses aged 55 years and over. Findings showed that retirement planning involvement, goals clarity and financial knowledge, all influence the dimensions of planning in the hypothesized direction. Female nurses continue to rely on the public protection as a solid support for their well-being in old age.



Alison Dillon completed her Undergraduate degree in Law, a Post-graduate degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Applied Behavioral Analysis. She hopes to pursue a career as a Clinical Psychologist and currently works as an Assistant Psychologist at the Irish Health Service. She has published research paper on the use of smartphone applications for the reduction of anxiety in Frontiers in Psychology and has presented at the Psychological Society of Ireland’s Annual Conference. She recently conducted a systematic review of doctors’ knowledge of autism worldwide and presented this research at the Annual Autism Conference in Miami, Florida.




Given the increasing prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the importance of early intervention, it is imperative that primary care physicians (PCPs) have a thorough knowledge of ASD in order to offer families appropriate guidance and supports. This study comprised a systematic review of research assessing PCPs’ knowledge of autism symptoms and evidence based interventions for persons with autism. Results indicated the majority of PCPs had inadequate knowledge of ASD and its associated treatments. Collected data indicated that a variety of variables were associated with PCPs’ knowledge including prior education, location, an interest in ASD, the focus of residency training, continuation of ASD education and rate of ASD cases encountered. Results are discussed with regards to their implications for further education in ASD research and training for PCPs.


Hong T P Huynh

Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Title: Agency and structure in nursing practice in Vietnam

Hong T P Huynh is a PhD Fellow at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. She holds a Senior Lecturer Position at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy-Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.



Background: The complexities of nursing practice are often obscured in the endeavors to construct a generic definition of nursing. The process of the construction of nursing practice and associated contextual factors, however, ensures considerable variation in nursing work within and across nations. Nursing practice is better understood as constructed by nurses as social actors who perform roles that are negotiated and mediated within context.

Objective: The purpose of this research was to explore the decision making processes of Vietnamese Registered Nurses (RNs) in a clinical environment to gain insight into both the construction of nursing practice within that context and the broader implications for nursing in Vietnam.

Methods: The research was grounded in the broad pragmatist tradition. The methods were informed by the works of Charmaz. The purposeful sample constituted 29 RNs who worked across eight departments of a major hospital in Vietnam. Periods of observations and individual semi-structured interviews were the methods of data generation. Data analysis involved a systematic abstraction of theoretical concepts.

Results: Two conceptualizations developed in the analytical process reflected both agency and structure as important dimensions of nursing practice in Vietnam. Nurses as social actors were constantly engaged in a process of negotiation and renegotiation to sustain some sense of shared order in their practice. Yet, the shared order of practice was constantly disrupted as medical doctors, family members and the managerial hierarchy posed varying demands as they moved in and out of the space of nurses. The concept of space was thus significant in depicting where and when nurses could practice autonomously. Autonomous nursing practice was directly related to the physical positioning and interrelationships between all social actors in the research situation.


Speaker 1: Diamond Bracey is currently pursuing her Master’s in Mental Health Counseling at Bowie State University. She has earned her Bachelor of Science in Marketing from University of Maryland at College Park and a second Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology also from Bowie State University. With a focus on the cutting edge of therapy, her research focuses on the attitudes regarding e-counseling in the African American Community. Her other papers and presentations are on African psychology, person-centered psychology, eating disorders and women of color, therapy for first nation peoples and Latinos, opioid use disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, binge eating disorder, and online counseling in couples’ therapy.

Speaker 2: Kyndall Peele is an avid scholar who is pursuing her second Master’s in Counseling Psychology at Bowie State University. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Communications and Cultural Studies from East Carolina University in North Carolina and her initial Master’s in Clinical Psychology from Capella University. She is currently researching and presenting Adlerian techniques that can be used with Millennials, aspects of multicultural counseling that aide in the decreasing symptoms of PTSD and anxiety with war refugees, and trauma/stress experienced by first year minority college students. She currently hosts an online self-care workshop through social media avenues such as instagram and facebook. She is a Writer and Contributor to the online minority mental health network, “What’s Your Issue Cuz?” She aspires to become a Global Clinical Psychologist who will work with war refugees and those with traumatic brain injuries. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.



Are there new disorders on the horizon, like iDisorder or facebook depression? What about FOMO (fear of missing out) and perceptual loneliness? Are symptoms of currently recognized disorders exacerbated by use and/or type of social media platform? What behaviors do clients exhibit? When do they become clinical? What does research say about current interventions? What theories undergird current techniques and therapies in the clinical and school settings? What about assessments? Is there a new form of theoretical approaches, techniques and therapies, technology, and assessments? Social media and your client: what every clinician should know will attempt to answer all of the above in a single oral presentation. It is not an ethics presentation but, a practical guide and distiller of the asset information researchers have uncovered recently about how social media impacts your clients; and what it means for psychologists and psychotherapists. This workshop will educate therapists on what they should know about social media, symptomology they should be aware of, the process of follow up, and suggested treatment planning. The goals are to dispel the myths surrounding psychiatric disorders perpetuated by social media and to encourage further research in the area of social media and their effect on psychiatric disorders.


Bob Reese

Jefferson College of Health Sciences, USA

Title: The 13th step: thriving in recovery

Bob Reese has completed his PhD. He is a Professor of Psychology at Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, VA. He is currently engaged in research projects on the recovery processes from addiction at Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute (VTCRI). As part of Dr. Warren Bickel’s Addiction Recovery Research Center (ARRC) research team, he was instrumental in helping to create and launch the International Quit and Recovery Registry (IQRR), a novel approach that employs crowd-sourcing technology to establish, maintain, and grow an unprecedented database on the process of recovery. He is the author of “The 13th Step: Thriving in Recovery” (AuthorHouse, 2017), (



While addiction itself has been widely studied, the process of recovery from addiction has received little attention from the science of psychology. Because, recovery from addiction is a chronic process, it becomes essential to understand the process of recovery and the characteristics of individuals who are successful in recovery maintenance. To help bridge this gap in knowledge, the International Quit and Recovery Registry (IQRR) was developed in 2011 and recruit participants in all phases of addiction recovery. Currently, the IQRR has thousands of registrants from more than 42 countries. After becoming website members, registrants have access to online monthly psychometric assessments. Along with demographics, each assessment asks about recent relapse and includes measures and tasks aimed at understanding the characteristics of people in recovery. Thriving in recovery is informed by examining by three positive psychology assessments included in the IQRR psychometric battery: The Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), and the Grit Scale (GRIT), which is a measure of perseverance and commitment to long-term goals. These current results are discussed along with positive psychology interventions that enhance these attributes. Additionally, neuroscientific research provides evidence that addiction is a disease of the brain; that relapses is part of the recovery process; and that a brain in recovery can heal and grow positively due to neuroplasticity. This video presentation provides fundamental information regarding neuroscience in the process of recovery and a method of developing self-directed neuroplasticity.



Margaret Reece, BA Hons is passionate about helping people with C-PTSD to overcome their struggles. Through her life-time experiences of C-PTSD and the research of leading trauma experts, she aims to narrow the gap between therapist and client. A childhood, devoid of any predictable adult attachment figure, plus cumulative trauma, led to both emotions and thought processes shutting down. She was hospitalised, aged 19, for circa four years, given 30-40 ECTs, insulin therapy and medication; no success. She divorced herself from professional help to avoid life-time institutionalisation. In her sixties, she sought professional help; she had been misdiagnosed, aged 19, with what would now be known as schizo-affective disorder, and inappropriate treatment given. Two further misdiagnoses followed within the last ten years. The anti-psychotic medication she had taken for 56 years became unavailable, no warning; no substitute available. She set out to transform herself and others. Her forthcoming book, “Hope Restored: A Guide to Embracing the Storms of C-PTSD” is being published next year by Westbow Press.



Statement of the Problem: The traditional model of diagnosis, based on overt symptoms is outdated and leads to many misdiagnoses, inaccurate treatment and potentially ruined lives. Medical advances in the last 5-10 years relating to the diagnosis of C-PTSD, using physical evidence by means of imaging and biofeedback would revolutionise diagnoses, but it will be in vain unless: the knowledge is made available to health professionals at all levels and; the treatment is made accessible to the masses, not just the selected few, who can afford it.

Purpose: To integrate personal and professional perspectives relating to diagnoses and treatments of C-PTSD in the 1960s and today.

Case Study: No predictable adult attachment figure in my childhood to provide the necessary nurture needed for me to develop healthy life-coping strategies led to cumulative trauma. At age 19, I shut down, could feel no emotion other than fear, and was incapable of rational thought. I was hospitalised for c. 3-4 years, given inappropriate treatment, and discharged to manage what I considered to be a hostile world alone. In the 1960s, the traditional DSM classification was used, based on overt symptoms. C-PTSD as a diagnosis was virtually unheard of by most professionals. Clients were considered as guinea pigs; many lives were ruined by inappropriate treatment, some institutionalised for life. Today, DSM classification is still the main source of diagnosis. No one is exempt from trauma, albeit in varying degrees. But as each of us is unique, so are our responses. How can one method of diagnosis fit everyone? But doctors do need guidelines. There have been tremendous advances, especially in the last 5-10 years, which would enable doctors to base their diagnoses on physical evidence using imaging and biofeedback.

Result: Diagnoses can be made, based on the root cause, not just overt symptoms.

Conclusion: Unless this knowledge is made accessible to all professionals, and the treatment made affordable to the masses, misdiagnoses and ruined lives will remain as before.


  • Clinical Psychology | Cognitive Behavioural Therapy | Mental Health | Positive Psychology | Psychological Disorders
Location: Amsterdam


Willem Fonteijn

GGZgroup, Netherlands

Session Introduction

Willem Fonteijn

GGZ, Netherlands

Title: Awareness of the body in CBT

Willem Fonteijn is a Clinical Psychologist. He has published more than 20 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as a Trainer for CBT. He is an Enthusiastic Mindfulness Practitioner and works and lives in Amsterdam.



In cognitive behavioral therapy, the body takes an undeserved, modest place. It is precisely the body that you can use you to test the beliefs of clients on functionality. Dysfunctional beliefs lead to dysfunctional emotions and corresponding response representations in the body. This is entirely in line with the therapeutic elaboration of Lang's emotion theory. That is, linking existing stimulus representations to incompatible response and meaning representations. This practical workshop introduces participants to body-oriented contra-conditioning techniques and practices applying the principles of contra-conditioning in various anxiety and mood disorders. The workshop starts with an explanation of Lang's theory and how you can use it therapeutically in contra-conditioning and COMET. A report is done from a short mindfulness group training for cardiology patients with anxiety and mood complaints. Subsequently, both plenary and in subgroups, we practice with body-oriented mindfulness techniques and combining incompatible body postures with common dysfunctional beliefs and emotions. Participants are invited to design body-oriented behavioral experiments for clients from their own practice and to discuss them in subgroups. The workshop ends with a demonstration of the method by the teacher.


Scott Stevens is a journalist, posting regularly on health and alcohol issues for online news services and is a founding influencer at the world's largest medical portal, Health Tap. His intensive evidence-based researches, with journalistic objectivity, blunt personal dialogue and no-nonsense business perspective in his four award-winning health and addiction books.



The decade of the 2010's shelled hospitals and first responders with an explosion of opioid-related illness, injury, and death. Preventable drug overdoses tallied 54,793 lives lost in 2016 – an increase of 391 percent since 1999. Accidental drug overdose deaths increased 327 percent over the same period. The majority of OD deaths (38,000) involve opioids, the drug category most frequently involved in opioid overdoses and growing at the fastest pace includes fentanyl, fentanyl analogs, and tramadol. The fentanyl category of opioids accounted for nearly half of opioid-related deaths. The dirty cat in the litter, heroin is accounted for the second highest number of deaths, claiming 14,606 lives. Western countries struggle with what the opioid cat dragged in: Hard-to-treat opioid addictions, fatal relapses, and needless loss of mainly young lives. Now legislators, first responders, treatment pros, and those in the medical field are forced to focus not on the death toll the cat dragged in, but instead what dragged the cat in.

Every opioid related death is alcohol related

The abuse of drugs, regardless of classification, begins with the permissiveness granted the world's most lethal drug and third-leading cause of all preventable deaths: Alcohol. It's a straight line. Nearly every on-Muslim civilization on this rock has embraced alcohol. As a result, ours is largely a numbing planet, especially in the sedation-happy Americas. This is the root. This is the seed of the opium trade that has gone unstemmed since prehistory. There is legit medical use for opium derivatives: What has driven growth is demand – not by the sick but by people who cannot get the mind alteration they desire through alcohol use alone.

Alcoholics and non-alcoholics alike drink the first drink for the same reason: To relieve a stress. In the U.S., which has a laissez faire agenda toward alcohol since its prohibition failure, the culture embraces a drinking lifestyle. Western culture normalizes alcohol use. In other words, we normalize drug use. What you ignore, you permit. What you permit, you condone. Opioid abuse happens when a person can't get where they want to get with alcohol. The opioid crisis wasn't created by doctors overprescribing, manufacturers wooing doctors, China shipping heroin and cheaper fentanyl via cartels and postal mail. Drinking, especially binge drinking is the pandemic that dragged in the opioid 'epidemic.' Culture condones the buzz, the sedation. We created this monster on our own.

What's the way out?

Legislative attempts to curb use of potentially lethal drugs resemble shooting an arrow and then drawing a target around where it hit. Locking up dealers and traffickers, creating prescription databases and prescribing limits, and promoting Narcan availability all deal with control of the supply and its aftermath. The demand is unchanged. Within a cultural adoration of the buzz, our current crisis can only be curbed by control of the demand. If a drug user wants a drug, they will get that drug. It's the American freedom thing. 

In 1967, 72 percent of adult men smoked. Today, 72 percent don't. Prevention works. If there is genuine interest in healthy outcomes and preventing premature death from opioids, permissiveness of the starter or feeder or gateway or predecessor drug has to be addressed on five levels to reduce demand for all antecessor drugs. One of those ways is not legalizing recreational use of marijuana.

When we rethink the drink we can douse the pandemic that begat the current opioid crisis. Legislators and treatment experts must lead the transition from managing aftermaths of the current crisis to retention of the next one. And phase out the ancient alcohol crisis – the elephant in the room – western culture ignores.



Tony Tran is the Member of American Psychological, Psychotherapist and Psychiatrist Association. He has founded the International Ethnic/Immigrant Mental Health Project. He is the Expert in the Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Consultant/Consulting and Moderator. His Transtronics Company has offered the Medical Record Platform and introduced the TIPS (Total Identity Protection Service). His LinkedIn page at Tony Tran BFA-DE has been translated to 70+ languages on Yahoo and 50+ on BING.



As an expert in the ethnic and cultural diversity and in dealing with the psychological problem and/treatment, I have come up with a formation to provide the treatment better bases on the ethnicity uniqueness and cultural background. In the discovery process, we must: Discover the problem from the cultural angle (The Vietnamese’s do not believe in the mental health problem); Find out the cause (The oriental people believe that mental health is the curse, and a shame in the family); and Long term understanding (The devil element). In the treatment process, I have developed 10 steps formation: 1) Establish the trust 2) Create the communication channel 3) Suggest the approach 4) Agreement contract 5) Treatment plan 6) Actual treatment 7) Follow up service 8) Adjustment and evaluation 9) Assessment and 10) conditioning treatment. All of the above will be the subject for exploring further and become the issues for group discussion. I know that you will love my role play in the discussion that all the steps will be exposed and explored to find the proper formation to deal with the Ethnic/Immigrant Mental Health issue.



Eiman Mohamed, 21 years old, and pursued her MBBS from Sudan International University - Sudan (2012 - 2017). She was graduated among the top five. She also worked as local officer of reproductive health including HIV/AIDS (LORA) in Sudan International University medical students association (SIMSA) (2016). She has attended many workshops/trainings in Time management, Leadership, Strategic planning, Creative thinking, Presentation skills and public speaking. Presented her research “prevalence of depression among medical students in Sudan International University" in the annual psychiatric conference 4-7 Jan 2018 in Sudan. Volunteered with Hope Beat charity organization in Sudan (2013-2015). Languages: Arabic "mother tongue", English "fluent", Deutsch “intermediate". Areas of interest: psychiatry, clinical psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience.Seeking to start the specialization outside Sudan in order to get more knowledge and experience



Depression is a mood disorder affects individuals worldwide regardless their age, sex and socioeconomic status. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of depression among medical students in Sudan International University using a descriptive cross-sectional study design in May 2017 – August 2017. We used questionnaires to assess the presence of risk factors for depression, and PHQ-9 for diagnosis of depression. Four hundred and forty students were involved in this study and the result was as follows: 67% of them found to have different levels of depression (49.9% mild, 27.1% moderate, 15.2% moderately severe and 8.1% severe): Year of studying, family history of mental illness, history of child abuse, use of drugs and presence of chronic or mental illness are found to be associated with depression.


Irina Stanislavovna Morozova has completed her Doctoral degree (Psychology) form Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. She is a Professor and the Head of the Acmeology and Developmental Psychology Department, and Director of the Institute of the Education at Kemerovo State University. She has published more than 85 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of Russian journals.



Our goal was to develop a model of suicide risk among adolescents considering the inner and external factors determining suicidal risk. We used the combination of measures such as, the hopelessness scale for children (A E Kazdin, A Rodgers, D Colbus), beck depression inventory (BDI), the reasons for living inventory (M M Linehan, J L Goodstein, S L Nielsen, & J A Chiles), Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale) Nemchin’s Questionnaire, Kulikov’s Questionnaire, Amirkchan’s Questionnaire, Orel’s Questionnaire to obtain inner risks and our specially developed measure: hopeless situation inventory (K Belogai, Y Borisenko, E Evseenkova, I Morozova) to find situational external risks. In our model, we consider inner determinants of suicidal risk to be hierarchic and on the first level to be united into three components: emotional and regulative component, cognitive and evaluation component and behavioral component. Each component has its own constituents which represent the second level of model. For instance, cognitive and evaluation component (K12) is compiled by reasons for living (K221) life situation evaluation (K222) self-image (K223), while K221 consists of survival coping beliefs (K3211), responsibility to family (K3212), fear of suicide (K3213), fear of social disapproval (K3214) and moral objections (K3215) on the third level of model. We use the membership functions of linguistic variables terms to provide scale values fussification for our model. Our fussy model of suicide risk also considers external determinants to be the triggers of suicide attempt when inner risk is high.



Mauro luisetto completed his PhD in Applied Pharmacology from University of Pavia, Italy. He has many publications in the field of Neuroscience, Pathology, Pharmacology and other disciplines. He is also an Independent Reseacher.



Mindset kinetics is involved in various mind and brain phenomena and is very interesting to better understand the global system to observe under a biochemical- toxicological aspect. In this field in some disorder on in business or social and family contest are very relevant some properties of brain- mind like buffer properties, maximum stress condition, time of exposure and kind of kinetics of this negative stress condition. Like biochemistry we can talk that brain-mind can be considered under a kinetics Point of view. We must consider also negative stressing condition measuring in quantitative way the amount and time involved (long or not). Principle like quantum theory in physics can help in considering mind–brain activity under a double approach (light in physics can be explained experimentally or like particle properties or like waew properties): the same phenomena that can be observed by different point of view. Also Eli goldratt theory of constraints can be usefully used to demonstrate the imitated properties of brain and also mind to manage too much high stressing condition. Brain and mind present a limit and this is a link between the two different sciences: psychology and neuroscience. Some mind process involved in amygdala and related system are strongly related to the final effect (crime, behavior, anger et other). More rapid response in manage stressing condition of amygdala vs. frontal cortex can explain the relevant final effect involved. Also some depression status can be involved in a bat mindset kinetics and this can explain some not sufficient effect of some antidepressive molecules and the effect of some meditative techniques. The rationale of this presentation is to more deeply apply biochemical-toxicology principles also in psychology and neuroscience to better verify some analogies between brain and mind. Also some chemical – physics theory as well as some management theory can provide a new experimental method to quantize the amount of stress and the buffer properties of subjects and its related resilience forces. The reported literature gives the right instruments to share some basic principles in neuroscience settings. Also mind and not only brain show a limit in manage high stressing conditions and this can be a useful instrument the correlation between the two different description of the same organ and apparatus.



Alison Dillon has completed her Undergraduate degree in Law, a Post-graduate degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Applied Behaviour Analysis. She hopes to pursue a career as a Clinical Psychologist and currently works as an Assistant Psychologist for the Irish Health Service. She has published research on the use of smartphone applications for the reduction of anxiety in Frontiers in Psychology and has presented at the Psychological Society of Ireland’s Annual Conference. She recently conducted a systematic review on Doctors’ knowledge of Autism worldwide and presented this research at the Annual Autism Conference in Miami, Florida.



The number of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) attending university is increasing yet low graduation rates indicate their particular needs are not being met. Research in the area has primarily been exclusively qualitative. This study investigated the experiences of students with ASD undertaking a third-level academic course at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in order to suggest changes to align current with best practice. It adopted a mixed-method design. First, a qualitative analysis was conducted of best-practice guidelines derived from the most relevant literature to determine the most up-to-date supports available for students with ASD at university. Then, a quantitative analysis was conducted of data derived from 45 TCD students with an ASD who completed a survey designed to ascertain the challenges they experienced in relation to academic work, relationships, mental health, society membership, and sensory issues. The results found that, despite desiring comradeship, the majority of students experienced social difficulties at university, including a lack of friends and bullying. Students also reported a high rate of mental-health difficulties, especially depression and anxiety and these seemed to have bi-directional effects relating to the social difficulties experienced. These findings point to the need for future research to investigate the precise factors that limit the formation of relationships at university among students with ASD and to improve their university experience and support completion of studies. In particular, it should investigate the links between bullying, friendships and internalising problems among these students.



B Alqadheeb is a Junior Clinical Psychologist and has obtained her graduation from Princess Nora University from the exchange program with Erasmus Rotterdam University and presently pursuing her internship in the National Guard Hospital in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.



Introduction: This research looks at the risk and protective factors against depression for females in care centers. Research suggests that individuals, who have been isolated and abused as children are prone to mental health adversities, like depression. The women residing in care centers are susceptible to developing depression due to these developmental adversities and lack of support. Research concerning minorities, like the females in care homes, is still lacking and is needed to improve mental health and increase resiliency. Depression is the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide and is major health concern.

Aim: This research aims to assess potential risk and protective factors (spirituality, coping strategies and social support) against depression for females (aged 18-30) in care centers. This is a non-experimental correlational study that compared the relationship between two variables (depression, protective and risk factors) without manipulation of variables.

Materials & Methods: The study included 85 participants using convenient sampling. Four questionnaires were distributed throughout four centers (two for social rehabilitation centers, two for orphan care homes) in the city of Riyadh; Beck Depression Inventory, Coping Strategies, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and Spiritual Well-being Scale. The questionnaires were filled by participants in their allocated center.

Results: The results concluded that high levels of depression corresponded with low levels of social support (r=-0.422, p=0.00), and low scores on a two coping strategies; spirituality (r=-0.259, p=0.039) and confrontation (r=-0.309, p=0.013). High levels of depression corresponded high levels for three coping strategies; self-blame (r=0.336, p=0.005), acting out (r=0.313, p=0.015) and isolation (r=0.398, p=0.001). Higher depression scores are reported in social rehabilitation centers than orphan care homes (m=26, SD=12.602 vs. m=16.9, SD=11.780, p<0.0005).

Conclusion: It is recommended that social support and coping strategies mentioned are implemented within care and rehabilitation plan. Such plans could help to reduce or prevent depressive symptoms in young women residing in these care centers.


Arooj Najmussaqib has completed her MS degree in Clinical Psychology in 2011 from Government College University, Lahore. She has been practicing as a Clinical Psychologist since 2014 in Islamabad. Currently, she is serving as a Regular Faculty Member at the Department of Applied Psychology teaching at Undergraduate and Post-graduate level since 2016. She is an Author of a book and published and presented papers in national and international conferences.




The phenomenon of study anxiety travels across geographic and cultural boundaries. Study anxiety is being affected by both emotional and cognitive factors. Though there has been an increasing amount of research conducted on study anxiety in adolescence, little is known about the relation of study anxiety, academic achievement and parent child relationship among school children. The present study was aimed for exploring the relation between study anxiety, academic achievement and parent-child relation of school children. For this purpose, indigenous tools like Study Anxiety Scale, Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Scales and Parent-Child Relationship Scale were administered on the sample of 419 school children; 201 boys and 218 girls from six government schools of Lahore, Pakistan. The results suggest that perceived rejection and distant in parent-child relation cause higher study anxiety and lower academic achievement among school children. Results also depicted that the girls were higher in both study anxiety and academic achievement than boys and boys perceived more parental rejection than girls. Results are discussed in a cultural context proposing a model showing possible links between different environmental influences and study anxiety.



Onab Ali Sulfab has completed her MBBS and Post-graduate Diploma in Peace and Development Studies. She is currently doing her MA in Peace and Development Studies. She is a Social Activist aspiring to specialize in the field of Social Psychiatry and Behavioral Studies.



This research paper was conducted to review the prevalence of PTSD, its association with age, education, socioeconomic status, marital status and origin of patients who were war veterans in Sudanese armed forces, were diagnosed with PTSD by a consultant psychiatrist, hospitalized in Khartoum based psychiatric hospital and aged between 25-40 years. The importance of this study lies in emphasizing a negative impact of war that is rarely focused on its social and economic disruptive effects on society and the burden that is not well anticipated by the state. The main purpose was to share results with main stakeholders for a better policy making strategy that puts mental health in a priority consideration. PTSD being a mental health disorder has a major effect on the productivity and ability of the sufferer to maintain normal day to day activities. Mental health disorders are associated with increased health care costs as well as productivity losses in the form of absenteeism, short term disability absences and reduced on the job productivity known as presenteeism. The human and economic toll is enormous yet often hidden. “Untreated mental illnesses in the US cost more than $100 billion a year in lost productivity” - According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). The data collection procedure was through a questionnaire that contained in the first section: personal information including age, gender, marital status and children under one’s care. It also included military service time and combat exposure duration in addition to education level and socioeconomic status. In this first section, the aim was to determine the relationship between PTSD and combat exposure duration and susceptibility with education level and socioeconomic status and to assess the economic burden for those who are the main providers for their families and children and to link the lack of productivity caused by the disorder with the sufferer’s age. The next section regarded any past medical or family history of mental illness, expression and duration of symptoms, the triggering event and the diagnosis of PTSD according to the Diagnosis and Statistical Manual-VI (DSM-VI). The data were collected from several psychiatric hospitals around Khartoum. The results of data analysis and interpretation showed that 83% of patients were under the age of 35 years while 80% received an education level only up to primary school, 85% were from a low socio-economic status, only 7% were married and have children and the majorities were originally from areas of conflict. Percentage of 70 suffered from chronic PTSD (symptoms lasting for more than 6 months) and 95% of the triggering events were direct physical trauma. From this study, we can conclude that PTSD has a direct association with low socio-economic status, low level of education and mainly affects younger war veterans with a greater chance of developing chronic PTSD due to the lack of appropriate mental health care and preventative measurements.



Dr. Balbinder Singh has completed his PhD at the age of 32 years from Guru Nanak Dev University. He is had been working as Clinical Psychologist for almost five years in Bhatia Neuropsychiatric Hospital and Deaddiction Centre. Further he has experience of teaching Clinical Psychology, Rehabilitation Psychology and Research Methodology in Psychology, in Banasthali Vidyapith, for more than four years. He has published two Psychological tests and has authored one book titled as “Rehabilitation Psychology”.  Further, he has published five research papers in national as well as intarenational journals.       


India has been known as the land of Saints and Sages who made world spiritualy aware of to deal with various life issues. Different philosophers, thinkers, saint and sages have revealed about human nature i.e., how do we think, perceive, act and use our cognitive functions as well as emotional aspects to solve our problems. Indian system of thought is guided through an interrelated and philosophical religious compilation of spirituality, yog (yoga) and meditation. In Vedas four main branches of Yog (yoga), Karma (action) yog; Bhakti (devotion) yog; Jnana (knowledge) yog; and, Raja (meditation) yog, has been described. According to the Vedas the soul is said to be connected with mind, which connects to the body and this to the outer world causing knowledge and action. The triguna (three virtues) theory addresses three states of mind: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Sattva is the balance of pleasure and pain, the practise of truth, and process of acquiring knowledge. Rajas, is when there is an imbalance, the state of being impatient and arrogant and Tamas, is the quality of dullness, to be lazy and have no desire to learn. Principles for social wellbeing are also highlighted that are – being patient, tolerant and avoiding anger. According to Indian thinkers, Saints and Sages there are five foibles – lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. And these foibles are root cause of many problems in life. According to Gurbani, which means the knowledge provided by GOD, through His messengers like True GURUS (spiritual teachers), Saints, and Great Incarnations, they provided us true knowledge of GOD, there are five principal virtues - Truth, Contentment, Self-control, Patience, and Good-will for all. These five virtues are of immense healing potential for any problem. Further, the GURUS have suggested collective prayers, surrendering to the God and being happy in His cause, and simple living. Developments in the fields of science and technology have  revolutionized Human Life at material level. But in actuality, this progress is only superficial: underneath modern men and women are living in conditions of great mental and emotional stress, even in developed and prosperous countries. People from all over the world irrespective of culture and economic background suffer from mental illness and though a number of researches are carried out worldwide but till date it has not been possible to resolve the problem. So, I propose that using ancient Indian techniques, such as yog, meditation, spirituality and following the footsteps of siants, sages and great thinkers, in refurbished manner can be of great help for those who are suffering from any kind of psychological probmlem.

For instance - Yog is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice which has its origin in India. Expansion of consciousness and making oneself the master of one’s mind are the broad objectives of yog. Yog has been known to heal and treat many psychological problems simply by practicing and believing in it. It involves concentration on the breath and body, which makes it a great way to soothe a person’s mind and relieve worries. By helping discharge tension and stress, yog postures and breathing exercises keep a person free from such negative elements. Modern interest in relaxation can be traced to studies on Savasana. Rising popularity of meditation practice links Psychology to Oriental religious practices and philosophy.


Mita Rana

Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Nepal

Title: Clinical psychology and mental health in Nepal

Mita Rana is currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. She started working as Assistant Professor and Clinical Psychologist since March 2003 and co-ordinates the M Phil Clinical Psychology program. She has received her PhD in Psychology in 2012 and is the founding and immediate past President of the Nepalese Association of Clinical Psychologist (NACP). She was the Scientific Committee Coordinator and Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Mental Health Conference Nepal, 2018 held in Kathmandu, Nepal. She has more than 30 research articles published. Her aim is to develop the field of Clinical Psychology in Nepal.



Nepal, a Federal Democratic Republic (2008), is a multilingual, multi-ethnic underdeveloped landlocked country with a population of about 28 million, sandwiched between China and India. Psychology academia is more than half century (1959) old and Master's in Clinical Psychology was introduced in 1980’s and M Phil Clinical Psychology in 1998. There are about 150 Psychiatrists and 30 registered M Phil Clinical Psychologists. Mental health is a less privileged and less researched sector: 1-2% of health budget allocated annually to mental health; 25-30% of the population is estimated to be having some form of mental health related problems and about 90% treatment gap. Stigma, unawareness, lack of trained human resources and mental health services, rough terrain and less government priority are the main barriers for development of mental health sector. Traditional faith healing and pharmacotherapy is the prevalent treatment modality and psychosocial counseling or psychotherapy is yet to be accepted as an effective mode of intervention. Psychosocial interventions for mental health wellbeing came to the forefront after the two huge disasters in the past two decades: (1) armed conflict between the Government and Communist Party, Maoist (1996-2006), in which more than 12,000 people were killed and 100,000 to 150,000 people were internally displaced; (2) Nepal earthquake (April 25, 2015), when more than 8844 lost their lives, 22,000 were injured, over 150 went missing and hundreds of thousands lost their homes and property. Though mental health sector in Nepal is still in its development stage, clinical psychology is also slowly advancing.